Clara Elliot {6 & 7 Month Update}

Stats: (6 months):

Length: 29 inches (99%)

Weight: 21.6 lbs (99%)

Diapers: size 4

Clothes: 12 month

She is following along in her growth right where her brothers were at this age – large and proportionate.


At 6 months she went down to two naps a day with the first one being at about 9 am and the second one being at about 1:30pm and now at 7 months old she’s in a very good sleep/play/eat routine. She goes to bed at about 6:30 at night and wakes one and sometimes two times a night to eat. She likes to sleep in her own bed and doesn’t fall asleep very easily if we are out in public, so that has been a challenge sometimes if we have things to do in the morning. I have began singing her a song after i feed her and before I put her down for a nap or bed. She’ll start out laying her head face-down on my shoulder and by the end of the song she’s arching her back wanting me to lay her in her bed. She’s a happy baby but not much for snuggling I guess.

Also at 6 months I began solids hardcore with two meals a day and started weaning some of her nursing sessions to 4-5 times in 24 hours which has been so nice to not nurse as much. It took her a long time to catch on to eating solids, but just this past week she has really taken off with eating a lot more.


She started sitting up on her own a day or two before she turned 7 months. Now that she has it figured out she really likes sitting up and playing.

She has this “trick” where she thinks it’s funny if she shakes her head back and forth at us. It’s fun to see her personality come out and her development increase as she grows. She’s a very smiley baby and gets so excited when we bring her into the bathroom to look in the mirror.

She’s at a fun age where she”s content playing for longer periods of time and is generally in a happy mood. We are enjoying her lack of mobility and know the days are decreasing until she is crawling all over the place and getting into trouble. We love our little girl and her sweet personality.