Julia Blaire 2 month update


Height: 23.5 inches (80%)

Weight: 12 lbs 11 oz. (85%)

Diaper size: 2

Clothes size: 3 months

Milestones: She started smiling this month which is always fun.

Sleep: she wakes usually twice a night and just started going to bed at a more consistent time anywhere from 5:30-7 pm. She’s not on any nap schedule yet and I’m not sure she’ll ever be with school drop off and pick up for Graham.

Eating: she breastfeeds anywhere from 8-10 times in 24 hrs. If she’s not hungry she wants nothing to do with nursing which is different compared to my other two that I nursed.

Play: she is seldom left alone to play and completely loves having someone talk to her. Graham, Isaac, and Clara love her so much and give her much love. Clara thinks she’s her second mom and is always telling her “it’s otay Ju-uh!”

Clara 15 month update…


Height: 33.8 inches (99th%)

Weight: 29.54 lbs (99%)

Clothes: mostly 2t

Diaper size: 5

Major milestone:

Walking! Just before she turned 15 months (about 5 days before) she started walking consistently. Now she is walking all over the house. She just took her time getting to the point of walking because she was so fast at scooting.

Her butt scoot trail 🙄

She is also a crazy climber (worse than either of the boys). We think she has strong arms from her weird scooting she did for so many months, and she wants to keep up with her brothers.

We don’t know if it’s a girl thing, but she has a bit of a diva personality sometimes.

She’s not saying many words beside mama and dada, but she gabbers nonsense all the time, we have no clue what she is saying. Instead of saying yes or no to our questions she nods her head either yes or no. She’s really starting to understand more of the things we tell her which is nice even though her verbal skills aren’t there yet. Like if I tell her to go to her room to get her diaper changed she walks straight to her room and sits on the rug.

She has an obsession with carrying things around her neck like the binoculars or backpack and she’s always trying to put on her brothers shoes.

Her favorites things are to go outside, climbing stairs, chewing on the corner of her favorite blanket, giving high fives, and playing with her brothers.

Clara 10, 11, and 12 months

Life of the third child, she gets a three month update thrown in one post. Here it goes…

10 months…

I weaned her from nursing this month and we did two months of formula in a sippy cup three times a day. I think thanks to the formula, she started sleeping through the night this month.

She got more teeth this month. She now has 9 teeth.

11 months…

She improved her scooting abilities and is very fast and efficient at scooting with one leg in front and one leg bent backwards and pulls with her arms. She also began pulling up to things on her knees.

12 months…


Weight: 27 lbs.

Height: 31.5 inches

Clothes size: 2t/24 months

Diaper size: 5

Can pull up to stand while holding on to furniture and started walking with us while we hold two of her hands.

She loves to have her brothers say goodnight to her and give her a kiss.

She’s our stinker-face sweetie pie baby girl.

Clara 8 & 9 month update

Stats: for 9 months

Height: 30.5 inches long (99%)

Weight: 25 lbs (99%)

Clothes: 18 month

Diaper: size 5

I just completely spaced a 8 month update, so I’ll just combine them.

Really 8 and 9 months can both be summed up in two words: Teeth and Scooting.

I think she’s been focusing most of her energy on getting in teeth. She has just about 8 teeth (one is still trying to come through); four on the top and four on the bottom at 9 months.

She’s not crawling or creeping yet; I actually don’t think she has ever fully gotten her whole core off the floor yet when attempting to crawl. She still has far to go in this area, but somehow gets places (about a six foot radius around wherever I place her) by rotating in circles on her stomach all over the floor and scooting on her bottom when siting. She also has brothers that will bring her toys if she starts fussing or just run around like crazies for her to watch and be entertained by. She’s a pretty content little girl who loves her family.

This past month I started putting her to bed on her stomach and it seems to have helped her sleep. She goes to bed about 6/6:30 most nights, wakes up about one time a night usually anywhere from 11:30-3:00 am to eat and then has been waking for the day about 6 am.

This past month I started her on a mix of chunky finger foods and purees. Mostly just for the ease of feeding and what I have in my pantry. Her pincer grip greatly improved this month as well.

Graham Four Year Update

A few months late, but a quick update on Graham.

  • He likes to pretend and dress up as different characters
  • When he goes outside it’s probably just to dig in the dirt…he loves getting dirty.
  • He is either two extremes, super excited and happy about something or his life is falling apart drama queen.
  • The move to Rochester has been the hardest on him. He is our child of routines.

  • His brother drives him nuts many a day but he also can’t live without him (like going to bed together). They are beginning to play well together rather than fight all the time.
  • Compared to Isaac he is very serious and thinks about things a lot. He asks a lot of questions and is many times deep in thought.
  • He loves to play by himself, but is also not a shy kid. He’ll go up and talk to anyone and ask any question that’s on his mind.


Clara Elliot {6 & 7 Month Update}

Stats: (6 months):

Length: 29 inches (99%)

Weight: 21.6 lbs (99%)

Diapers: size 4

Clothes: 12 month

She is following along in her growth right where her brothers were at this age – large and proportionate.


At 6 months she went down to two naps a day with the first one being at about 9 am and the second one being at about 1:30pm and now at 7 months old she’s in a very good sleep/play/eat routine. She goes to bed at about 6:30 at night and wakes one and sometimes two times a night to eat. She likes to sleep in her own bed and doesn’t fall asleep very easily if we are out in public, so that has been a challenge sometimes if we have things to do in the morning. I have began singing her a song after i feed her and before I put her down for a nap or bed. She’ll start out laying her head face-down on my shoulder and by the end of the song she’s arching her back wanting me to lay her in her bed. She’s a happy baby but not much for snuggling I guess.

Also at 6 months I began solids hardcore with two meals a day and started weaning some of her nursing sessions to 4-5 times in 24 hours which has been so nice to not nurse as much. It took her a long time to catch on to eating solids, but just this past week she has really taken off with eating a lot more.


She started sitting up on her own a day or two before she turned 7 months. Now that she has it figured out she really likes sitting up and playing.

She has this “trick” where she thinks it’s funny if she shakes her head back and forth at us. It’s fun to see her personality come out and her development increase as she grows. She’s a very smiley baby and gets so excited when we bring her into the bathroom to look in the mirror.

She’s at a fun age where she”s content playing for longer periods of time and is generally in a happy mood. We are enjoying her lack of mobility and know the days are decreasing until she is crawling all over the place and getting into trouble. We love our little girl and her sweet personality.




Clara {Five Months}


Weight: about 21 lbs.

height: about 27 inches

Diapers: size 3 during the day and size 4 at night. She leaks out a ton.

Clothes: 9 months and some 12 months

Clara is generally a easy going and happy baby. This month her night time sleeping was all over the place but she also got her first tooth this month.

She adores her brothers and they love her. They talk to her and say “Clara sweetie.”

I started facing her out in the ergo and she really enjoys it which makes getting things done easy.

Her plugged tear duct cleared up this month which is exciting because I really didn’t think it was going to clear up.

Really not a whole lot else happened this month. She brings so many smiles and joy to our home. I love watching her interact with everyone. She’s just our baby girl!

Clara Elliot {Four Month Update}

Stats: I don’t have any weight or lengths stats for her this month.

Clothes: started out in 6 month clothes the beginning of the month but by the end ended up in mostly 9 month clothes

Diapers: size 3

It’s hard to get a picture of her on her back because she tries to roll over immediately.

Clara at fours months:

  • Can roll from back to front
  • Started jabbering/experimenting with her voice
  • Began sleeping in her own room and crib
  • Her left eye still has a plugged tear duct and two rounds of antibiotics were not successful
  • She loves her brothers and they’re pretty good at entertaining her which is actually really helpful sometimes.

Clara {two & three month update}

Stats: (at 2 1/2 months check up)

Weight: 15 lbs 2 oz. (98%)

Height: 26 inches (off the chart)

Clothes size: 6 month

Diaper size: 2

Notable things about Clara:

  • Her head control really improved
  • She sleeps at night anywhere from 6-12 hrs.
  • Beginning to have a consistent bed time
  • Naps are still all over the place; mostly, due to the fact of having two other toddlers I’m chasing around all day.

  • She’s has started the phase of drooling a ton and chewing on her hands.
  • She eats anywhere from 8-12 times in 24 hours. This has greatly decreased in the past month.
  • She doesn’t like riding in the car. Cries most of the time.
  • Her face just lights up when she smiles and sometimes a smile is accompanied with a laugh/shriek of joy.
  • She loves her brothers and they love her.

  • Still sleeps swaddled and doesn’t really try to break free.

  • She got to meet her cousin Emmaline in July.

Clara’s Birth Story

In order to tell the full story of how Clara Elliot came into this world, I need to start about a week before she was born. 

Both of the boys were born on their due date, so they had set the bar high. Leading up to her due date, I had been having a fair amount of cramping, so I really thought she would come around her due date. I went in on my due date for a Dr. appointment; they scheduled me to be induced a week later – if she didn’t come before then. At that time, I was really hoping not to be induced. 

The day after her due date (Friday) I started the morning out with having some contractions that were about 8-10 min apart so I took the boys to the park hoping the walk would get things progressing if they were for real. 

While at the park Isaac jumped from a platform about 3 feet high; this resulted in him breaking his femur (didn’t know this at the time). Thankfully the contractions stopped because we spent the rest of the day first going to urgent care, then the pediatrician and finally at the children’s hospital emergency room with a child who was in agonizing pain. Long story short, it was a stressful couple of days because they weren’t able to cast him till the following Tuesday so they sent him home in a splint which was very painful for him. It was always in the back of my mind that I could go into labor at any point. I tried to rest as much as possible, but every time I would lay down Isaac’s fall would just play over and over in my mind. 

Once all of that happened being induced was looking like a good option. The inducement would give us a few days to get adjusted to the cast before we welcomed a baby and it would give me a week to recover before the movers came to move us to Minnesota. 

Wednesday night rolled around and we headed to the hospital at about 8:30 p.m. It was a weird feeling going to the hospital to have a baby and not being in labor. Once they got us settled in our room they gave me a pill to soften my cervix overnight and put  in an IV with antibiotics (I was group B positive). Before the pill I was dilated 2cm. They said we’d see how quickly I thinned then at 5am they’d start pitocin. 

Between everyone needing to come and check on us and the discomfort of the IV we  didn’t get much sleep that night. 

The nurse came in at 3 am to check me and said they were going to start pitocin which was earlier than I was expecting. Pitocin runs from 1-30 and they only had to give me up to a 2 before my body started to kick in. 

I had decided to get an epidural because of everything that had gone on previously with Isaac and the distraction of a pending move. I was mentally exhausted and wasn’t up to laboring through contractions let alone pitocin contractions. I figured there was no point in waiting to get the epidural, so once contractions began to get slightly more intense I asked for the epidural. Inserting the epidural wasn’t half as bad as what I thought it would be. The nurse was really good at keeping me focused. She was such a calm presence through the whole labor…I have a lot of respect for nurses. 

Now here is where the fun begins. Seriously, epidurals are the weirdest feeling; everything is numb from the waist down. It’s a very helpless feeling. I was texting and looking at my phone during contractions. There was only a few times I had to stop and breathe through the contractions. I gave myself two epidural boosts from the time it was placed to when I started pushing. Jake was just sitting beside me looking at his phone and casually talking to me; this would have never been the case in my previous labors. 

I told the nurse I was feeling some pressure but nothing near being ready to push. She went ahead and got ready to place the catheter and said she couldn’t because Clara’s head was crowning. I was in shock and disbelief that we were already at that point and I had felt barely any pain. I kept saying to Jacob ” this is so weird” and “I kinda feel like I’m cheating this is so easy.”

I literally pushed for three minutes! I’m glad I had the experience of pushing without an epidural because it’s hard to push when you can’t feel anything. 

At 5:48 a.m on May 18th Clara Elliot Aase was born weighing 8lbs. 6 oz. and 20 inches long. They laid her right in my arms; I was so glad! They didn’t rush doing any of the exams. The things they did need to check right away they did it while I was still holding her. She wanted to nurse right away; I’ve never had a baby nurse immediately. She nursed for the first hour while they were getting us ready to go to the recovery room. 

Once we were moved to the recovery room we spent the rest of the day resting, letting the epidural wear off (it took a really long time till 2 pm for it to wear off), and nursing. Clara was quite fussy if she wasn’t nursing the first day but it helped my milk come in quickly. 

Isaac said “she’s a baby!” when he first saw her

Graham just had so many comments about Clara. He was very loving toward her.

The Lord provides exactly what we need at the time and gives us the strength and grace to endure. Being induced, getting an epidural, and having a quick labor was just what we needed at the time. 

A few random thoughts I want to remember: 

  • I was very impressed with the nurses during labor and delivery and recovery. They seemed to be very aware of my wishes and made me feel very cared for. 
  • I took full advantage of the food service and got a white milk and a chocolate milk with every meal. 
  • Jake stayed the first night with me then went home with the boys. I enjoyed the quiet of the hospital especially knowing we would go home to a crazy house with one child in a cast and moving the next week. 

Going home

    We’re so thankful to have our little girl and her brothers adore her. Thankful for our little family.