Julia Blaire 2 month update


Height: 23.5 inches (80%)

Weight: 12 lbs 11 oz. (85%)

Diaper size: 2

Clothes size: 3 months

Milestones: She started smiling this month which is always fun.

Sleep: she wakes usually twice a night and just started going to bed at a more consistent time anywhere from 5:30-7 pm. She’s not on any nap schedule yet and I’m not sure she’ll ever be with school drop off and pick up for Graham.

Eating: she breastfeeds anywhere from 8-10 times in 24 hrs. If she’s not hungry she wants nothing to do with nursing which is different compared to my other two that I nursed.

Play: she is seldom left alone to play and completely loves having someone talk to her. Graham, Isaac, and Clara love her so much and give her much love. Clara thinks she’s her second mom and is always telling her “it’s otay Ju-uh!”