The Weekend…

I thought I was scheduled for my last Saturday at HoJo, but I got there and I wasn’t scheduled. So good news…I had the Saturday off and didn’t have to work Octoberfest at the hotel. Bad news…I didn’t make any money.

So Jake and I went apple picking. It was a nice fall activity. I have made apple crisp, and apple chicken so far. I want to make an apple pie and some apple sauce.

My heart sister (from church) gave me a Farmer’s Market cookbook, it looks like it has a lot of good recipes. I like going to the farmer’s market on Fridays and mingling with all of the “granola people.”

Friday night Jake and I went to a movie at the real movie theater (not the Riv). This was our second time going to a movie together at the theater. We saw “Moneyball.” It was good, Jake really enjoyed it because he remembers that time in baseball and knows more about baseball than I do. It was still an enjoyable movie. I like movies based on true stories.

It has been a nice two-day weekend.


October is a busy month for us. We have an event we are staffing every weekend…it’s going to be fun.


Jacob is plugging away at school. Mid-terms are in three weeks I believe. He has a comp. check with the second year students on Tuesday. It’s on Cryotherapy and thermotherapy (using hot and cold compresses pretty much).This past week in a lab they measured his VO2 and he had to run until he could run no longer on a treadmill uphill that kept getting faster and faster. Not so fun, but his VO2 for men is high average.

He is playing intramural football with his PT guys. He plays on Monday and Wednesdays and 5pm, so I can’t come to his games. They won their first game.

On the Bookshelf…

As with everyone else, I am reading “The Help.” It’s been interesting so far. I’m really enjoying not having school work and being able to read books. I just finished reading “The Woman in White” an excellent classic. Next on the list “Sanditon” Jane Austen’s last novel. After that, I think I need to take a break from fiction books for a bit.

Jacob and I are also reading together “Peacemaking for Families” by Ken Sande, it’s brought up some good discussion.


Jacob and I set several goals for ourselves for this semester.

We decided that we will exercise at least four times a week either alone or with each other. He has been either playing football/basketball and running. I have been getting up before work and running at the gym or some nights after work, and teaching Max T3. So far we’re both up to 3 miles running, but Jacob can run faster than me.

Another one was to read our bible together (which we had been doing), but also reading the above mentioned book together as well. We also decided that we would memorize one passage of scripture, but we’ve been failing on that one so far (note to self: start it).

Recent Thoughts…

Giving your children vaccinations. I work at a chiropractic office and they are against vaccinations and honestly I go back and forth. I’m not convinced either way. I guess I have a couple more years to read up on it.

Sign language…I want to learn it.

Kids with Autism. Something else I want to learn more about.

The song the “Lord will Provide” has been my “theme” song this month.

Tomorrow starts another week…

My Day Off To Do List…

The Doctors are out of the office yesterday and today, so I decided to take the day off today. I went into the office yesterday afternoon and got everything finished that I needed to, so that was nice.

Since today is my day off I figured I better be “productive”, so I wrote a list of everything I need to or want to do. So here it is…(you can be jealous). This is a girl’s to do list who has no one to distract her and has the whole entire day free.

Jacob didn’t have to go to class till 9:45am so we stayed in bed till 9am (I woke up at 7:30am).

1. eat breakfast (I ate some toast)

2. clean the dishes and wipe down the kitchen

3. take a run

4. take a shower and straighten my hair

5. do some laundry

6. read my Bible

7. read some of my book

8. go to howard-johnson to pick up my checks and give my boss my resignation (yes, I’m quitting HoJo by the end of september…I had a good 90 day review at TRC). So I need to get that over with today…ugh not looking forward to doing it.

9. drop clothes off at goodwill

10. go to the farmer’s market

11. come home and finish laundry

12.  start on dinner (Broccoli and cheese soup Panera Style)

13. Jacob comes home


depending on what I get at the Farmer’s market…

1. work at HoJo 7am-3pm

2. make something with apples or bananas (I was looking at Southern Living apple recipes).

3. clean my bedroom

4. relax

Hopefully I’ll write more often and something more than just my to do list.