Clara 15 month update…


Height: 33.8 inches (99th%)

Weight: 29.54 lbs (99%)

Clothes: mostly 2t

Diaper size: 5

Major milestone:

Walking! Just before she turned 15 months (about 5 days before) she started walking consistently. Now she is walking all over the house. She just took her time getting to the point of walking because she was so fast at scooting.

Her butt scoot trail 🙄

She is also a crazy climber (worse than either of the boys). We think she has strong arms from her weird scooting she did for so many months, and she wants to keep up with her brothers.

We don’t know if it’s a girl thing, but she has a bit of a diva personality sometimes.

She’s not saying many words beside mama and dada, but she gabbers nonsense all the time, we have no clue what she is saying. Instead of saying yes or no to our questions she nods her head either yes or no. She’s really starting to understand more of the things we tell her which is nice even though her verbal skills aren’t there yet. Like if I tell her to go to her room to get her diaper changed she walks straight to her room and sits on the rug.

She has an obsession with carrying things around her neck like the binoculars or backpack and she’s always trying to put on her brothers shoes.

Her favorites things are to go outside, climbing stairs, chewing on the corner of her favorite blanket, giving high fives, and playing with her brothers.

Clara 10, 11, and 12 months

Life of the third child, she gets a three month update thrown in one post. Here it goes…

10 months…

I weaned her from nursing this month and we did two months of formula in a sippy cup three times a day. I think thanks to the formula, she started sleeping through the night this month.

She got more teeth this month. She now has 9 teeth.

11 months…

She improved her scooting abilities and is very fast and efficient at scooting with one leg in front and one leg bent backwards and pulls with her arms. She also began pulling up to things on her knees.

12 months…


Weight: 27 lbs.

Height: 31.5 inches

Clothes size: 2t/24 months

Diaper size: 5

Can pull up to stand while holding on to furniture and started walking with us while we hold two of her hands.

She loves to have her brothers say goodnight to her and give her a kiss.

She’s our stinker-face sweetie pie baby girl.