What I’m Learning {Number 3}

Once in a while I’m going to write a short post about something I’ve learned on this adventure called motherhood.

#3 There is always a new challenge or goal to achieve. The current challenge is swaddle weaning, but I’m learning that just as we work through something there will be something new to work on. Right now, these challenges are pretty straightforward and generally easily attainable like learning to take naps in the crib, sleeping unswaddled, stretching out feedings from 3 hours to 4 hour stretches, etc. but as Graham grows there will be bigger challenges to work on (more heart issues) that won’t be quite so easily attainable. I’m learning to take these challenges one at a time and appreciate the fact that they are easily attainable (i.e. don’t stress out about something simple).

Bulleted Update…

Well here’s a quick update on our life during clinical rotation number three.

  • Jacob is at Froedtert Hospital on the ICU wing for his final physical therapy rotation. He’s enjoying it a lot more than expected.
  • We’ve started the process of looking for jobs. He’s applied to a few jobs so far.
  • He’s also working on his CAT (critically appraised topic) which I’ll know more about the farther he gets in it. He has four months to complete it so it’s low on the to do list.
  • Graham and my days consist of pretty much the same thing each day. He eats, plays, and sleeps. Once a week we go to a women’s bible study.
  • We attend a small group from church that meets every other week on Wednesday nights. Sometimes it’s a challenge because it’s during his bedtime and he can be fussy. My introverted self is learning that the fellowship is just as important in this season than what I learn from the lesson. We are starting a new book (“The Enduring Community”) so that will be interesting. We previously watched an R.C. Sproul dvd then discussed it.  Since this time it’s a book, I can read it before hand, and hopefully add to the discussion better even with a fussy baby.
  • Jake and I have a pretty good night-time routine with Graham. Generally, I change his diaper, dress him, give bottle, and then Jake comes up and sings to him then puts him in his crib. It works out well.
  • I attended my first Hockey (Milwaukee Admirals vs. Iowa Wild) game with Jacob on Valentine’s night (Jake had free tickets!). It’s a lot faster paced game in real life than it looks on t.v. and hockey crowds are an interesting bunch of people. I like the sound of the skates on the ice.
  • Jacob went to a Wisconsin vs. Minnesota basketball game last week with my brothers which was exciting for him.

So that’s that. Have a great day!


Graham Three Month Update…

Graham just changes so much every months. I would say the theme of this month was improvement. He didn’t have any big development milestones, but rather improved in:

  • holding up his head without as much wobble
  • can grasp items a lot better and is getting more purposeful
  • eats 6 oz of formula at every feeding which is about every four hours,
  • Went the whole month with only waking up once a night.
  • Moved to 3-6 month pants and generally 9 month onesies/shirts.
  • Getting better and holding up his head while on his tummy. Sometimes he gets lazy and just lays there chewing on his hands.
  • His arm reflux improved; not to the point of sleeping unswaddled yet.
  • Improved in his nap taking. He generally takes three naps a day in his crib now. two short one hour ones and one long two and a half or three-hour one. As long as  I swaddle him he does well.


  • His play mat. I can’t emphasize enough how much he loves that thing!
  • Chewing and sucking on his hands.
  • His grandpa Iler. He likes everyone, but my dad can get him to smile even if he’s in the middle of crying.
  • Being naked
  • Sitting in his dad’s arms
  • TV’s. We’re going to need to be careful of this one. 🙂
  • Mirrors
  • Jamming out with his dad in the basement


  • Having to take a break to burp in the middle of eating
  • Getting dressed
  • Being hot

Something We Learned This Month…

  • That Graham gets heat rash easily. The rule that you should dress your baby in one more layer than yourself doesn’t apply to him. I dress him in just one layer and sometimes he’s still hot.

Michigan Visit…

This past weekend my mom, Graham, and I visited Michigan to visit relatives and celebrate my cousin Laura’s birthday.

We arrived at my Grammie and Gramp’s house Thursday night then Friday we drove to Battle Creek to visit my Grandma Iler at her assisted living home. We visited with her for a few hours then went out to eat at Applebee’s for Laura’s birthday. Saturday, since it was snowing a lot, we stayed in Coldwater. We celebrated Laura’s birthday with a homemade dinner (roast and potatoes) and cheesecake for dessert. Sunday we went to church then my mom, Graham, and I went back to Battle Creek to visit my grandma again. Aunt Kay, Brenda, Jeff, and Peggy stopped by to visit as well.

Sunday evening we visited Aunt Dorothy; my Grammie’s oldest sister who is 20 years older than her. We then went over to uncle Steve’s house to visit him who is my Grammie’s brother-in-law. It was the first time Graham got to meet either of them.

We left Monday morning and drove home.

He was a good trooper the entire weekend. We are now trying to get him back on his normal nap schedule. 🙂