LaCrosse Move

We said goodbye to friends…



I finished my last week of work and Jacob finished his last finals ever on Tuesday.

Jacob then spent the rest of the week finishing up last-minute errands and selling the Lumina. We donated the TV to a Habitat for Humanity dump drive that was going on Saturday morning down the road from us.


Packed up all of our belongings, loaded them into a Penske moving truck, cleaned our apartment for the last time, and then trekked across Wisconsin to unload everything at my parents house.


It was a long week and especially a long two days, but we are thankful to have everything moved.

2nd Trimester and Other Updates…

Baby News:

It’s nice to be in the 2nd trimester now. I had my 2nd and last appointment in La Crosse this past Tuesday where I got to hear the heartbeat again.

According to at 14 weeks “he measures 3 1/2 inches — about the size of a lemon — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces.”

Lemon side

a few highlights include throwing up this past Monday for the first time, and running my first 5k as a pregnant person last Friday. I think the throwing up was do to reflux it was about 10 min after I ate breakfast and I haven’t had any since. I ran a 5k race with my work and got a time of 24 min. 30 seconds (4th in my age group…it was a smaller race about 25o participants), but  I was pretty pleased with my time considering I haven’t been running as much and it was a hilly course plus gosh, I’m pregnant.

I have my first Arizona doctor appointment set for June 10th at Arizona Women’s Care, so another adventure.

Moving News:

This is currently what our living room looks like with our couch and black chair gone.CIMG1654

  • We’re still trying to sell our TV and Lumina car, but otherwise everything just needs to be packed up which I’ve started on.
  • Our apartment in Scottsdale is a two bedroom, furnished, 6 blocks from Jacob’s clinical site, so if anyone wants to come visit we have an extra room.
  • My job at Three Rivers Chiropractic is coming to an end…two more weeks left. I started training the new person, so that’s been fun and kept things busy.
  • Today was our last Sunday of teaching sunday school for the 4-6 yr. old’s.  A few of our girl students took the news that we were moving pretty hard and were crying to their parents…so sad and sweet. I’ve been either teaching or helping with this class for the past three years and Jake and I have been teaching for the past two years, so we’re the only teachers some of these students know.

Jacob’s Schooling:

Jacob’s very last finals start next week! The two clinical sites (Milwaukee and Rochester) that he put a request in for the spring semester were declined due to not accepting students, so that’s a bummer. We’re praying and trusting that the Lord will provide and that we will be content whatever the outcome (i.e. another clinical site far away or living with family for a rotation).