Christmas Season

A few Christmas things I’m doing this season:

  • Making chocolate mold suckers for our little sunday school class because they need more candy in their life.
  • Being quiet so Jacob can study for finals (yes, it counts as christmas related)
  • Drinking Christmas Blend door county coffee
  • Eating Clementines
  • Wrapping Presents
  • Decorated our little tree and our little bookcase

Jacob and the Elderly…

Jacob has a class this semester where he gets to work with two elderly patients with Parkinson disease (I think). He has a man and a woman. Jacob works with the elderly man with another class mate and the lady he gets to work with alone. They do different exercises with them to help them function better. The below are just things that Jacob has told me, but I think they are so cute and I wanted to record them somewhere. We will see where Jacob ends up working in the end, but I think elderly people really love him.

First off, they think he’s funny.

His one lady patient brought him cookies and candy bars for thanksgiving.

They recently did re-exams on the patients and they both had improved a lot since the beginning of the semester.

The man doesn’t like chiropractors, so they’ve had some jokes about how I work at a chiropractic office.

The two patients will be staying and working with new PT students next semester and they said they want someone with a personality like Jake.

We’re going this Sunday afternoon to help the lady decorate cookies for the salvation army. It’s times like these that I wish I was more out going like my mother, but it will be good.

She knows that we’ll be in phoenix next summer and she read in the newspaper an article on “Free Things to do in Phoenix AZ,” so she tore it out for us and gave it to Jake.

One time during the semester most of the patients who the PT students are working with came into the classroom to have small group discussion with the students. Jacob’s two patients came, but were not in his small group. he had several other students tell him afterwards how much his patients loved him and all they talked about was Jake this and Jake that.

I know this seems kind of bragging on Jacob, but his patients seem so freakin’ cute.