When the Husband is Away…

Today’s my day off…

Jacob had class and then headed to the cities for a Vikings game, so I’ve spent the day by myself.

So, what do I do while he’s gone?

Go to craft stores. Here’s my strategies when it comes to crafty/decorating things. Go to the Dollar Store and Goodwill first before hitting up Hobby Lobby to see if  I can get the same thing for cheaper at the first two stores. Today, I was kind of only successful…

I also went to the Gym this evening and used the elliptical while watching The Office and Parks and Recs (total time on the machine about 1:20).

I’m now heading to do the dishes that I’ve put off all day.

Side Note: Jacob watched one hour of Emma with me last night…booyah!

The Weekend…


  • started with waking up late (thankful for hair that lets me take a shower the night before)
  •  work at 7:15
  • Jacob finished mid-terms the night before so he was home all day hanging out
  • Lunch break included PB&J (yes I like them), yogurt, and carrots. I went to the library and read some magazines (Runner’s world, Fitness Magazine, Clean Eating, and Dog Fancy).
  • slow long afternoon shift at work and got home at 6pm
  • Ate Brats, baked beans, and drank a Pumpkin Beer (I only like chick flavored beers)….Jacob’s kind of dinner.
  • Watched Arrested Development with Jacob.


  • Went running with Jacob, the UWL chancellor, and other people…great way to start your morning.
  • Did some cleaning
  • Went to a birthday party
  • Came home and did some more cleaning
  • Alphabetized Jacob’s textbooks on our shelf
  • Made Quinoa pancakes with maple syrup and granny smith apples….yum. My kind of food.
  • the rest of the night…still to come.

It’s been a productive but pleasant weekend so far. It’s nice to have Jacob finished with mid-terms and not a lot to do for a few days.






It’s that time of the semester where Jacob spends his days at the library studying for exams…mid-terms start monday.

What do I do while my husband is studying? I wander around the housing doing some cleaning and organizing, so when Jacob gets home it can be clean and refreshing. I went to a craft fair this morning which was fun — I’m one of those people who doesn’t mind going to things by myself. I watched a BBC mini-series Jane Austen’s “Emma,” it was excellent. Emma is my favorite Jane Austen book.

Jacob’s football team has a game this Tuesday and if they win that they go to the championship game.
So that’s life right now.



The temporary pleasure of this present world are meant to point you to the lasting pleasure of knowing God. The rising of the sun each morning is meant to remind you of his faithfulness. The crushing power of a devastating storm is designed to make you reflect on his power. The sweetness of a human kiss is meant to remind you of his tender care. The dependency of the baby is there to remind you of your constant need of God. The fading beauty of the daffodil is meant to help you see his eternal beauty. The imperfect justice of the human community is deigned to make you thankful that God is perfectly just. The tender moment of human mercy is there to cause you to rest in his mercy. That five-course meal is an opportunity to reflect on and be thankful for the spiritual food you need and that God graciously gives. The shifting stars in the night are created to remind you that Jesus is the Light that never shifts or fades. Every experience of love is meant to point you to his love. Every moment of grace is there to cause you to run to his grace. All of creation is finger pointing to God It was not meant to replace him.

Paul David Tripp “Forever: why you can’t live without it”