
“No task will be [seen as] so sordid and base, provided you obey your calling in it, that it will not shine and be reckoned very precious in God’s sight.”  ~ John Calvin

“You can praise the Lord by peeling a spud, if you peel it to perfection.” ~ Chariots of Fire movie

Books and Food

What I’m reading:

Timothy Keller’s “Every Good Endeavor: Connecting your Work to God’s Work” 

I’m only a few chapters in, but so far it’s been very helpful. I really appreciate that he writes simply, but his “arguments” are viewed through the lens of scripture.

I found conviction in this article on the gospel coalition blog: “Your Womanhood is Not on Hold”  It was such a good reminder for me because sometimes it’s easy to get bogged down in life, but God has us in this season for a reason. The Lord is good. Below is an excerpt from the post:

The ultimate mark of womanhood is hoping in God, not giving birth or loving a husband, though these are beautiful and God-glorifying privileges. They are just not where we root our identity. Whenever you’re tempted to question your value, always go back to the Bible. Do not listen to the internal voice sure to lead you astray.

There is tremendous encouragement for women who long to be wives and mothers. God declares us women, created in his image, valuable in his economy, and given a great singular purpose—to display his glory in our specific season. If we are infertile or unwillingly single, it is not the season we would choose. But it is ours, and it is a gift from God. In it we can either flourish or wither. We can either hope in God or despise his provision. He has given us everything we need to bear good fruit in this season (2 Peter 1:3-4). We don’t have to wait until we get married or have a sweet baby in our arms. Because of what Christ accomplished, we have everything we need for today. Our neighbors need grace, orphans and neglected children need care, women need mentoring, husbands need encouragement, and your church needs a faithful member.

We are not on hold, dear sisters. It might feel like it some days, but God has put us exactly where he wants us in our particular season. As women who hope in God we can bear good fruit for his glory even when our heart is breaking or our dreams are dashed again. In this place our womanhood is most beautifully displayed.


This morning after the gym I made french toast, but not just any french toast…Banana Bread French toast. I had some banana bread that I had made last night, so I cut it up at made french toast. It was a little sweet with the maple syrup, so if I were to do it again I would make the banana bread with less sugar. I liked the crispy/crunchy outside once done. So just with that meal I probably ate back all of the calories I burned this am, but it’s not every weekend that I do that, so oh well.

I’ve kind of been on a soup kick this past week. I made cauliflower bacon soup. Jake liked it which is always good. It was healthier that normal creamy soups because cauliflower (grated) is the thickening agent, but there was 1 % milk (no heavy cream). I also made a carrot apple ginger soup which we didn’t like at all. It had a funny texture (puree). I even tried it the next day for lunch and didn’t like it.