
“Change happens chaotically. It comes unannounced, in fits, and starts…Change is pushed upon us by a persevering Redeemer, who will not walk away from the work he has begun…He will not submit to our schedule or agenda for our day. He has not promised that change will be enjoyable each time or a comfortable process over the long haul. He has promised to stay near us, giving us everything we need, and he has guaranteed that we will be more than we ever thought we could be. So, he calls us to be patient, He calls us to be willing to wait. He calls us to continue when continuing us hard, and as we are continuing to look for any way we can to incarnate his transforming love.”  – Paul Tripp from the book “What did You Expect”

Granted, the above quoted book is on marriage, but the quote can apply to parenting as well. I need to remind myself that change does not happen over night but we need to continue to persevere because Christ has done that and more for us. Below is a somewhat serious and light-hearted post of current changes in our household.

  • The bookshelf: before kids I had my bookshelf organized by genre then within that alphabetical by author. Currently this is what it looks like due to Isaac thinking he needs to take the books off the shelf, so until he learns not to touch we are just stacking books sometimes with no order what so ever. It’s not necessarily a bad thing because he will learn eventually not to touch, but I just thought the change was interesting.

  • Learning to be a helper: Graham is learning to be a helper by taking care of his plate or milk cup after dinner, cleaning up his toys before nap time, and pushing his cart (he thinks this one is fun) at Trader Joe’s. I have to remind myself especially when it comes to having him help clean up the toys that it might be a battle every day, but in the long run it will pay off in some form or another.

  • Both boys go down for their nap at the same time: This has been a gradual change, but  I can now put them both down for their naps at the same time and they don’t just cry at each other.
  • Isaac sleeping through the night: Not every night but more than not the past two or three weeks Isaac has been sleeping through the night. Sometimes I’ll hear him crying in the middle of the night, but for the most part he has fallen back asleep. This change is hopeful because he’s been a pretty bad sleeper as a baby and sleep training hasn’t seemed to work.
  • Home Health Physical Therapy: Jacob is taking on a second job doing home health physical therapy two days a month on top of working full-time at froedtert. It should be an interesting environment for him to experience.

I am thankful for the Lord’s continued faithfulness to us even through silly little every day changes of life.


Isaac 11 month update…


Clothes: 18 months

Diapers: 4 or 5

New this month…

  • Teeth! He had four top teeth come in this month. They’re not quite fully visible when smiling yet.
  • When down to one nap just in the afternoon.
  • He got his second haircut. He did so well and just sat on my lap so still while my mom cut it.


Sleep: Due to teething sleep was rough this month with wakings several times a night.One thing I’ve noticed between the two boys is that when I put isaac to bed I nurse him and then hold him and sing him a song, but I hardly ever make it through all of Jesus Loves Me because he’s so squirmy, so I put him down. Where as Graham was always a cuddler and would lay his head on my shoulder and let me sing to him. It’s just interesting the difference between the two of them.

Eat: oh my goodness this kid can eat! most meals he eats more than Graham does. Isaac really likes his food. One time this month we went to Noodles and Co. for dinner because they were having a free kids meal night. Isaac ate all of his kids meal plus Graham’s apple sauce pouch and Graham hardly touched his food.

Mobility: Isaac can make his way around holding onto furniture really well and seems pretty content with crawling.


The three of us at a Valentine’s party…my blued little boy and my brown eyed little boy.

Speech: Isaac is getting more interactive and I can see him trying to communicate to us many times. He likes to gabber all the time. He says nini for good night and waves. He also likes to do pretend laughing with us and tip his head back and laugh. I’m not doing a ton of sign language with him (even less than I did with Graham), so we will see how his communication skills develop in the future.

Only one more month till he’s a year old…crazy times.